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Other: Page 18

Contractors vote ‘no confidence’ in government support for the sector
The results of the PCG’s annual member survey clearly show that government must work hard to regain contractors’ trust.

Labour Party seen as “major threat” to contractors and UK PLC
Survey by ContractorCalculator shows that British contractors feel the Labour Government’s stance on freelance working threatens their livelihoods.

ContractorCalculator achieves ABCe certification
ContractorCalculator is the first UK contracting site to achieve independent verification by ABCe to agreed industry standards set by JICWEBS.

A contractor’s guide to FSCS bank deposit protection
Contractors should find that their personal and business bank deposits are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, up to a limit.

Contractors could benefit from new small business act for europe
Contractors could benefit from a new Small Business Act published this week by the European Commission. A range of initiatives have been proposed that, should the UK adopt the Act into law, could cut red tape for contractors.

Contractors see labour government as a major threat to their livelihoods
The overwhelming majority of contractors – 93% – see the Labour Government as a threat to their livelihoods, according to Contractor Calculator’s latest survey of contractors and freelance professionals.

PCG commissions university to research freelance market
The Professional Contractors Group (PCG) has commissioned Kingston University to conduct research to define and estimate the size of the freelance workforce.

Contractors should get their finances in shape to survive the credit crunch
With household budgets tighter and prospects for lower contract rates what should contractors be thinking about to prepare themselves for any period of slower economic growth?

European commission cuts red tape for contracting
A series of reforms at the European level have improved conditions for contracting.

Why agencies and contractors don't agree
In a roundtable seminar run by the PCG that brought together contractors and agencies, many points of disagreement emerged.

We need the contractor migrants
East European migrants who came here to work are leaving the UK in droves. Far from being a threat to UK contractors, they have filled necessary gaps in the labour

City contractors could see decline in demand through VAT budget provision
Contractors who work for banks could all see a decline in demand due to a change in the VAT concessions provision in the first Darling Budget.

Interview: shadow defence secretary liam fox slams mod contractor policy
Conservative Shadow Defence Secretary Liam Fox told Contractor Calculator that the MoD's 11-month rule ''had budget restraints written all over it.''

Exclusive: MOD 11-month rule raises uproar with contractors and agencies
The Ministry of Defence has imposed a rule that forbids contractors who work through agencies from staying on the job longer than 11 months. Agencies and contractors are in uproar.

House supports UK contracting industry in debate on agency workers
The Government has prevented the enactment of the Agency Workers Bill.

Contractors can give their time to charities with timebank
Timebank and its related sites offer a means for contractors to donate their time to charities--and sometimes you can even donate virtually.

Relief as government climbs down on capital gains tax
The Government has abandoned its capital gains tax hike which would have been costly to contractors who seek to sell their businesses.

Professional passport brings advice and banking to contractors
On 21 January, a new website called Professional Passport will offer contractors advice on key issues and eventually banking services. And it's all free if your agency signs up.

Green calls contracting loophole for illegal immigrants ''preposterous''
In an interview with ContractorCalculator, Conservative Shadow Minister for Immigration Damian Green said that allowing illegals to work as contractors ''preposterous.''

PCG makes tax and contractors abroad priorities for 2008
The PCG is prioritising duty of care for HMRC, income shifting, and the EU legislation regarding contractors abroad as top targets for 2008.

Contractor doctor keeps solving problems
Our Contractor Doctor has had a great month of problem-solving for you. Don't hesitate to use this free service from Contractor Calculator.

Contractors are helping abused children in new charity effort
A contractor has started a new charity effort to raise money for the NSPCC. Won't you join in and give an hour's fee?

PCG and work foundation team up to make the case for contractors
PCG and the Work Foundation are working together at the political party conferences to make the case for contractors.

The government takes a stand on contractors
Good news for contractors: the Government will not insist that contractors be treated as permanent employees, and the Government will crack down on rogue agencies.

Contractors face continued european threat, PCG says
The TUC is still supporting the wrong version of the European Directive on Temporary Workers, and it's time they saw the light.

Contractorcalculator exclusive interview: new PCG managing director John Brazier
The new managing director at PCG will try to broaden the membership base of the contractor organisation. He will also explore forming alliances with other professional organisations.

Contractors should welcome 'flexicurity'
The European Confederation of Private Employment Agencies announces approval of the concept of 'flexicurity,' a combination of flexible employment and security which the European Commission is trying to develop.

PCG helps contractors who choose to be sole traders
PCG Solo is a new product from the Professional Contractors Group which will help sole traders, partnerships and limited liability companies.

UK’s freelancers condemn “out of touch” meps
PCG has criticised MEPs for a negative attitude towards “non-standard” ways of working.

Eoc says UK needs more contractors
The Equal Opportunities Commission has called for more flexible work opportunities in the UK. An EOC survey shows that the UK is behind other EU countries in this area.

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