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ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief - 15/Jan/2010
News this week highlights changes in VAT accounting for contractors supplying overseas clients and good news for engineering and energy contractors.

Contractor wealth creation strategies for 2010
Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, an expert IFA suggests a range of contractor wealth creation strategies for 2010.

IT contractors to benefit from e-skills UK new Professional Programme
As the IT sector’s skills council launches its new Professional Programme, Helen Porter of e-skills UK explains how IT contractors can benefit.

ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief - 08/Jan/2010
This weeks round-up of news stories affecting the contracting market, including a newly appointed Chairman of the Service Providers Association (SPA).

Contractor offshore solutions – how they work
We dispel the myths that surround contracting as part of an offshore consultancy supply chain and explains how they work.

Contractors celebrate National Freelancers Day as PCG launches its new brand
Contractors UK-wide celebrated the first National Freelancers Day on Monday as PCG launched its manifesto at Westminster and announced its rebrand.

Contractor manifesto from PCG calls for ‘fairness, clarity and recognition’
PCG’s Manifesto for Freelancing, launched today at the House of Commons, calls on government to recognise contractors’ key role in the UK economy.

ContractorCalculator CEO takes the (192m) plunge for National Freelancers Day!
Dave Chaplin makes the jump off the tallest building in the southern hemisphere to celebrate the UK’s first-ever National Freelancers Day.

Contractors to benefit after Service Providers Association launches code of conduct
SPA launches code of conduct for companies providing professional services to the contracting workforce, with HMRC endorsement.

National Freelancers Day (NFD) celebrates contracting as a career choice
National Freelancers Day (NFD) on 23rd November will place contractors at the heart of the UK’s future economic success, says PCG’s Iain McIlwee.

ContractorCalculator achieves fourth ABCe audit of over 100,000 visitors per month.
ContractorCalculator now has four independent verifications that it has achieved more than 100,000 unique visitors per month over a two year period.

A contractor guide to evaluating offshore tax planning options
How contractors can determine whether an offshore tax planning option is the best place for their cash.

Wartime IT contractors to receive comedy tribute to raise funds for Bletchley Park
The original IT contractors of ‘code-breaking-central’, Bletchley Park, are to be celebrated in a fundraising comedy tribute in London on 3 November.

Contractor events are keeping contractors’ fingers on the pulse during tough times
Employment benefits company Tarpon’s contractor events are now well into their second year and proving to be a valuable resource for contractors.

Exclusive: Conservatives pledge to support contractors and flexible workforce
Shadow corporate governance minister Jonathan Djanogly confirms Tory support for flexible workers in this exclusive ContractorCalculator interview.

Contractor policy agenda advanced by key stakeholders at PCG seminar
Contractors’ priorities were debated by stakeholders at a PCG event in London yesterday attended by ContractorCalculator CEO Dave Chaplin.

Contractors can qualify for government funded training support
Research from the FSB has revealed that huge numbers of microbusineses, including contractors, are missing out on training funded by the government.

Recession is leading skilled workers into dream contracting careers
Many workers are finding that the recession is the best thing that ever happened to them, as they embark on their dream careers as contractors.

Contractors urged to think like businesses, not employees, to survive the downturn
Contracting survival tips are offered here by ex-IT contractor, now online publisher, James Leckie, in this exclusive ContractorCalculator interview.

Audit confirms Contractor Calculator’s growth and place at heart of UK contracting
ContractorCalculator’s latest audit by industry body (ABCe) confirms visitor numbers have increased again – good news for visitors and advertisers.

Chaplin gives contractors tips on thriving through the recession to London networkers
ContractorCalculator CEO Dave Chaplin shared valuable recession-beating strategies with contractors at a Tarpon hosted contractor event in London.

First-ever National Freelancers Day set for 23rd November 2009
National Freelancers Day on 23rd November has been launched by the PCG to highlight and celebrate contractors’ and freelancers’ contribution.

New website freelance supermarket allows contractors and agents to rate each other is a brand new networking website for contractors with real-time league tables to show who is the cream of contracting.

PCG hires political heavyweight to bring parliament round to contractors’ cause
Political heavyweight Simon McVicker joins the Professional Contractors Group as Head of Public Affairs, promising greater engagement with Westminster

Contractors to benefit from new face at PCG
Iain McIlwee, PCG’s new Head of Commercial Development, tells ContractorCalculator what’s in store for members as he settles into his role.

Landmark ASA ruling protects digital advertisers from unproven unique website visitor claims
Advertisers who may have been misled about site statistics and the number of unique visitors to websites have received the solid backing of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

‘Contractor UK’ website falls foul of advertising watchdog in landmark ruling
Contractor UK’ found guilty by Advertising Standards Authority of breaching key Committee of Advertising Practice rules, including on truthfulness.

Parasol buys Quay Accounting: will this mean consolidation in contractor services?
After the acquisition of Quay Accounting by contractor umbrella Parasol, will this trigger a run of consolidation in the contractor service sector?

New Contractors’ Handbook will help contractors trade their way to success
Just when the contracting sector needs it most, a comprehensive resource to enhance the career of every contractor has been published.

New Contractors’ Handbook empowers contractors facing tough trading conditions
Contractors have a new and powerful weapon to combat recession woes, with the publication of the authoritative new Contractors’ Handbook.

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