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2024 UK General Election: A Freelancers Manifesto for Growth
The Freelance Manifesto for Growth has been launched, calling on political parties to secure the votes of the flexible workforce.

MPs accuse "overmighty" HMRC of "abusing" power like the Post Office
Parliamentary debate signals the start of a possible root-and-branch reform of HMRC to curb abuse of power by the state.

Holiday Pay Reform: New laws bring clarity for casual and part-time workers
New Employment Rights Regulations will clarify holiday pay for casual and part-time workers from 1 January 2024.

Autumn Statement - contracting market outlook
The Autumn Statement 2022 may mean the highest taxes for 50 years and no cancellation of IR35, but the contracting market will still thrive.

Contracting market is “springing back” says specialist SG Accounting
How have contractors coped with the triple whammy of Brexit, the Pandemic and IR35 and is the market now recovering for many?

Professional Passport leads supply-chain compliance discussion with new report
Professional Passport publishes report laying down a pragmatic path to supply chain compliance. But, will HMRC listen?

Amendments tabled to Finance Bill to “curb or kill” umbrella companies
The amendments tabled by senior Conservative MPs seek to combat malpractice and reduce tax avoidance and evasion of potentially over £1bn per year.

Employment Tribunal awards contractor furloughed holiday pay
A recent Employment Tribunal (ET) ruling could be a significant case for contractors that have had holiday pay withheld during furlough.

BBC Moneybox exposes FCSA umbrella accused of withholding £000’s from contractors
An FCSA-accredited umbrella company has been accused of withholding thousands of pounds in holiday pay, BBC Radio 4’s Moneybox programme reports.

Supreme Court Uber decision good for gig economy but offers little for contractors
The Supreme Court has upheld the decision to assign ‘worker’ status to two former Uber drivers in a significant outcome for the gig economy.

COVID-19, lockdown and IR35 prove detrimental to contractor wellbeing, survey shows
The UK’s response to COVID-19 has had a detrimental impact on the wellbeing of its flexible workers, a new ContractorCalculator survey reveals.

COVID-19: Limited company contractors excluded from self-employed support package
Limited company contractors are excluded from measures unveiled by Chancellor Rishi Sunak to support the UK’s self-employed through COVID-19.

COVID-19: Contractors and the Job Retention Scheme
Contractors unable to work may be able to secure relief courtesy of the Job Retention Scheme or a proposed equivalent measure for the self-employed.

Contractors’ Handbook Edition 3: invaluable guide for new and experienced contractors
The brand new Contractors’ Handbook 3rd Edition is published, providing invaluable, up-to-date guidance for all successful modern-day contractors.

Autumn Budget 2017: IPSE urges Government to seize opportunity to support contractors
With the Autumn Budget less than two months away, IPSE has outlined the measures it believes the Government can take to better support contractors.

Tax and regulatory changes needed as contractor confidence plummets, says IPSE
If the Government wants to keep the UK workforce flexible, it must reassess its tax and regulatory framework, says IPSE’s Simon McVicker.

IPSE calls for more progressive approach from Government to address employment status
IPSE chief executive Chris Bryce shares his take on the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, and considers the impact on the contract sector.

Review won't burden professional contractors, Taylor tells ContractorCalculator
Matthew Taylor has told ContractorCalculator’s CEO Dave Chaplin that he has no plans to increase the burden for genuine self-employed contractors.

Contractors could be set to benefit from Government vulnerability, says IPSE chief
A Government in disarray following the General Election could spell good news for contractors in the immediate future, says IPSE chief Chris Bryce.

General Election 2017: IPSE chief calls on politicians to acknowledge self-employed
More is required of political parties to recognise and reward the self-employed, says IPSE chief executive Chris Bryce ahead of the General Election.

General Election outcome could spell major changes for UK contractors, claims IPSE
Big changes could be on the horizon for UK contractors after the General Election on 8 June, says IPSE deputy director of policy Andy Chamberlain.

Contracting in 2017: tax reform needs much consideration, warns IPSE chief executive
The Chancellor’s proposed tax system reform can’t afford to ignore the various research into self-employment, says IPSE chief executive Chris Bryce.

More than half of contractors just want a hug for Christmas!
More than half of contractors have told us that all they want for Christmas is a great big hug and to spend time with their family!

Uber outcome could be a disaster for UK PLC
Uber drivers won their UK employment tribunal. Any new case law precedents could weaken any IR35 tax defence

ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 26/Aug/2016
News this week covers: rising IT contract rates; tax avoidance backlash; construction boost; digital tax concern; and clients adopt digital platforms.

ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 19/Aug/2016
News this week covers: HMRC tool quashed; limited company fears; public sector contests reforms; uproar over tax proposals; & tax avoidance clampdown.

ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 12/Aug/2016
News this week covers: IR35 RTI nightmare; PM gives boost to contractors; Report on Jobs; LEM; good news for oil and gas; and buy-to-let warning.

Will Theresa May give a boost to contractors?
Contractors have cause for optimism, after talks between Theresa May and stakeholders indicated that her leadership may bring change for the better.

ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief – 05/Aug/2016
News this week covers: public sector contractor exodus; Uber court case; PM consults with contractors; NHS scandal; PMIs; and construction warning.

Uber court case could dramatically affect your next contract
Uber drivers are challenging the company in court over their employment status, in a case that could have huge implications for contractors and IR35.

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