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Budget calculators ready: calculate how the budget affected you.

On 16th March 2005 the Chancellor delivered this years Budget.

Our Budget Special Section contains key information relating to the budget and will continue to be updated as more information surfaces from the detail.

For now, our budget effect calculators are now updated with the tax tables for 2005/2006.

Both permanent employees and contractors can calculate the effect on their income due to the changes in income tax and national insurance thresholds.

In fact, all calculators for both contractors and permanent employees can be used with any selection of tax tables from the past 5 years by utlising the advanced details feature.

Budget Effect Calculators

Effect of Budget Calculator - Permanent

Effect of Budget Calculator – Contractor

Other useful calculators - Contractors

Target Income Calculator

Enter your current rate and the net amount you wish to earn each month. It will then tell you the rise you need.

Contract Comparison Calculator

Compare the taxes and net incomes from two different rates.

Financial Profile Calculator

Calculate your entire financial profile.

IR35 Calculator

Use the internets most popular IR35 calculator to see the effects of IR35.

Other useful calculators - Permanent Employees

Other calculators that you might find useful are:

PAYE/NI & Net Salary Calculator

Calculate your annual monthly taxes as well as your net income.

Income Tax Calculator

Calculate current net income and effects on net income of salary rises.

Target Income Calculator

Enter your current wage and the net amount you wish to earn each month. It will then tell you the pay rise you need.

Permanent Salary Comparison Calculator

Compare the taxes and net incomes from two different salaries.

Permanent Financial Profile Calculator

View your permanent employee financial profile.

Published: Wednesday, 16 March 2005

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