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Tories oppose IR35 - no firm promises

Shadow trade secretary Angela Browing hammered the government's IR35 proposals for restricting the flexibility of the UK labour market - but held back from any pledge that would pre-empt the Conservative Party's election strategy on tax.

"IR35 is the wrong policy at the wrong time. I will use every effort I can to get it repealed," the Tory frontbench trade and industry spokesworman told the Institute of Company Accountants in London last night.

But detailed taxation and spending policies are the domain of shadow chancellor Michael Portillo. Any commitment to abolish the IR35 proposals will have to wait for the party to reveal its plans closer to the general election, she explained, "So we don't fall into spending traps on the basis of ad hoc promises."

Read the full story at AccountingWeb

Published: Tuesday, 13 June 2000

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