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Tony Blair's IR35 case shock.

The Prime Minister Tony Blair and his colleague Lord Irvine, have been exposed as being part of an employment status case in 1978.

This case in turn may well be of great importance to contractors. Mr Blair represented Mr Winter, who had his own personal service company, and was under contract to Westward Television.

The Employment Appeal in this case, found that Mr Winter was not an employee and that the contracts between his company and Westward Television were genuine.

The case of a Mr O'Murphy springs to mind here where he was found to be an employee of Hewlett Packard, despite being working through his own personal service company.

In the original report about the case, Anne Redston reported that the case is under appeal, and the Winter vs Westward Television case should be used as part of their argument.

Published: Friday, 8 June 2001

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