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ContractorCalculator: Contracting news in brief - 06/May/2011

PCG reveals post-Budget plans to remove barriers in contractors’ way

Contractors’ interests and the benefits they bring to UK PLC will be championed by PCG in all corners, says PCG’s Managing Director John Brazier. Writing for ContractorCalculator about the membership body’s plans for the future, in the light of Chancellor George Osborne’s 2011 Budget decision not to axe IR35, Brazier has reaffirmed that PCG remains committed to ‘removing barriers in contractors’ way. More…

Contractor recruiters gain voice through REC on new IR35 Forum

Contractor recruiters have gained a voice alongside contractors on the new IR35 Forum. The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has joined PCG as one of the first members of the independent body being formed by the government to improve HMRC’s administration of IR35. “We have to find a way to focus the system on the rare cases of actual disguised employment,” says Chair of the REC Technology sector group Jeff Brooks, “and make sure that the vast majority of contractors who have done nothing wrong don’t have to worry about being subjected to an HMRC investigation or tribunal that could last years.” More…

Demand for IT and engineering workers continues to rise – Reed Job Index

Demand for workers in IT and engineering saw sustained growth during April, according to the latest Reed Job Index, with employer demand for engineers reaching record highs. The headline index fell slightly month-on-month from 128 to 125, but year-on-year demand is still up by 22%. According to Martin Warnes, Managing Director of, the blip in April was down to the extended holiday period: “The numbers of new job vacancies fell back down in April, perhaps not surprisingly as the Easter and royal wedding holidays led to a disjointed period for UK businesses.” More…

No reprieve in sight for oil and gas contractors, as sector confidence plunges

Contractors in the oil and gas sector are still facing an uncertain future as the latest Oil and Gas Index reveals confidence in the sector has plunged following the 2011 Budget windfall tax imposed on energy firms. Confidence of exploration and production companies saw a record-breaking 25 points decrease from 71 to 46, the lowest index on record. In a further blow, the BBC reports that gas producer Centrica is planning to cease production in one of its North Sea fields. The reason is that the Chancellor’s windfall tax means it is now cheaper for Centrica to buy gas on the global wholesale market than to produce it itself. More…

Engineering and offshore contractors could share marine energy bonanza

Despite the gloom in the oil and gas sector as a result of the Chancellor’s windfall tax, engineering and offshore contractors could be set to win a raft of new contracts in the marine energy sector. According to a report by the Carbon Trust, the UK could corner a nearly 25% of the global marine energy market, which might generate over 68,000 jobs and could bring £76bn into the economy by 2050. Contractors should target Chile, Korea, North American nations and Atlantic-facing European states as likely markets for their skills. More…

Construction and manufacturing contractors may feel impact of slowing growth

Contractors working in the construction and manufacturing sectors may start to feel the impact of slowing growth, if the downwards growth trends of April’s Markit/Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) Construction and Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Indexes (PMI) are sustained. Manufacturing experienced a slowing of growth, but the underlying trend is still strong. Construction contractors may have greater concerns as the housing sector contracted, although in contrast commercial construction growth accelerated rapidly. More…

Contractors to benefit from renewed services sector confidence

Contractors working in or seeking contracts with clients in services fields could benefit from renewed confidence in the sector. Although the Markit/Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) Services Purchasing Managers’ Indexes (PMI) showed a decline in growth, the index is still firmly in growth territory. Employment in the sector also shrunk slightly, but this will work in favour of low risk contractors who enable firms to increase capacity without adding to headcount and permanent overhead. More…

Contractors can now apply for income protection based on contract rates

Contractors can now apply for income protection policies based on their contract rates and not on artificially low salaries, following the release of new income protection products. This will enable contractors to purchase income protection policies that will provide a realistic income in the event that they cannot work due to injury or illness.

UK-trained IT contractor live-tweeted the Bin Laden raid

A UK-trained IT contractor live-tweeted the US Special Forces recent raid on Osama Bin Laden’s Abbottabad base. TechCrunch Europe’s Mike Butcher spotted the tweets of Sohaib Athar (@ReallyVirtual) – a Preston University graduate – which provided live commentary of unusual aircraft activity near his Pakistan home. A few hours later, the IT contractor realised he’d witnessed the raid, tweeting “Uh oh, now I’m the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it.” More…

Published: Thursday, 5 May 2011

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